Department of Philosophy,University of Birmingham--伯明翰大学哲学系



  The Philosophy Department at Birmingham is a friendly, vibrant and exciting place to be, whether you are an undergraduate, a Masters student, a research student or a visitor.

  We have a thriving community of research students, who support each other in addition to the support they receive from the department. We currently have students researching ethics, metaphysics, the history of philosophy, philosophy of religion and more. Some examples of recent PhDs completed in the department can be found on the ‘postgraduate research’ page, and students interested in applying can find more information about the areas that we can supervise on the ‘areas of supervision’ page.

  These research projects and areas of expertise feed into the work of our research centres and clusters: ethics,philosophy of religion, health and happiness, philosophy of language, metaphysics, mind and global ethics.

  All members of the Department of Philosophy are always happy to be contacted about any aspect of our teaching and research. You can find details of current and appointed staff on our staff pages.