Department of Philosophy,University of North Carolina at Charlotte——北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校哲学系



  Mission Statement

  To develop and nurture philosophical inquiry for students and faculty in a humanistic environment, one that is conducive to free and open investigation of a broad array of philosophical issues, problems, methods, questions, and answers, and one that values a dynamic relationship between theory and lived experience in which each informs and transforms the other.

  Interdisciplinary & Intertraditional

  UNC Charlotte’s Department of Philosophy offers outstanding and competitive undergraduate and graduate programs in the study of philosophy. Our faculty engage in a broad range of research projects, and they bring their expertise into the classroom. Our primary focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of philosophy and how it applies to such subjects as science, literature, art and information technology, among others. We also focus on contemporary issues in biomedical, business, environmental and professional ethics through our Center for Professional and Applied Ethics.

  The department aspires to embody an intertraditional approach to philosophy, by which we mean that we support and pursue work within and between differing philosophical traditions. This is more than a commitment to pluralism or the retention of specialists representing analytic, continental and pragmatist traditions. Rather, we aim to build a culture where these subdisciplinary boundaries are less important than the resources they provide for addressing concrete problems.